Saturday, July 4, 2009


Do you have a question about something? Read through our Frequently Asked Questions and find the answers you're looking for!

1-How do I become a member?
You just need to send an email to the forum's authors. You will receive an email with details of your membership shortly.
2-How can I send an article?
First, you need to become a member ( question 1 above). Then, you need to follow the guidelines of writing an article (read details here).When you send your article to the authors of the blog, a confirmation email will be sent to you within 5-10 days.
3-Is this blog limited to teachers?
No, of course not! Everyone is free to join as long as they are interested in the field of EFL teaching.
4-How can I send questions?
You can add your questions in the "Question and answers" section of the forum, which will be available soon.
5-How can this site help me in my teaching?
In many ways. While browsing the contents of this forum, you will notice that there is a variety of materials that can be of immediate help to you. Articles, tips, lesson plans are some of the resources that are here for you to look at.
6-How do I upload files to this forum?
You can send them to the authors' emails or upload them here in the "Download Area",which is reserved to members and frequent submitters. However, you are strongly encouraged to use the first option for more convenience and
7-How do I download materials?
You can download worksheets, lesson plans and other materials from our "Download Area" on the sidebar.
8-Can I get a printed version of this forum?
Yes, you can print, bookmark or share this forum with friends. Check the sidebar
9-Is this blog free?
Absolutely. This site is completely free.No fees are required.
10-Can I write reviews of the online books in the Read Books Online section of the blog?
Yes, of course. This is even highly appreciated as it can serve as some kind of feedback for other readers. You can do this by clicking on the "Read more about this book" link in the bottom of the reading area of the book.
11-How do I write book reviews?
Here is an interesting article about how to write a book review: article

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